So, I’ve been having quite a moment. I’ve been working on my website for a couple of months now. I have created it, but I’m just not happy with how it looks. There are a few elements I need to add to it, but it is ready for sales. I was almost traumatized when Norton said it was “suspicious”, but I appealed their decision and won my appeal. I am ready for sales, but until I have the website “just like I want it”, I will continue to “tweak” it until I have reached that satisfactory point in my journey.

I purchased a theme to use, but I cannot get it to look or feel like me. So what I have decided to do while I wait for more ingredients to come in the mail is to rework each page, one by one, until I am happy with it. The worst part of the process is that I am perpetually unhappy, so I doubt it will ever be perfect in my eyes.

First things first is to rework the home page. The theme I am currently using has some elements that are ridiculously large or cannot be edited for some reason. So I’m going to create it the old-fashioned way. WordPress has so many elements available to use that I don’t even need to put my IT degree to the test. Thank you WordPress for having so many options available to use, making creating a professional and dynamic website something anyone can do, if you put my mind to it!